UI Design

Six Leading UI Design Trends To Follow Today

What makes a design trend and why should we care about it in the first place?

Trends are used to provide context that tells us how certain components or guidelines were created. They help give insight into when something is good, bad, ugly, trendy, or outdated. This information can be extremely valuable for designers who need to know what worked in the past and why it might work in their current project.

Trendy doesn’t always mean “right” but could indicate that something is popular right now which makes it worthwhile knowing about. The best trends are rooted in solid principles of visual communication that have stood the test of time while also being aesthetically pleasing because sometimes just being trendy isn’t enough to warrant its use.

Six Leading UI Design Trends To Follow Today Are As Follow

1. Animation Lllustrations

In recent years, designers have been using images instead of illustrations in order to make their apps more appealing to users. Nowadays it’s common for apps with a lot of content or products sold through an e-commerce site to require large photos with greater image quality because they contain complex information and details which need clear representation for better understanding.

Nonetheless, due to device limitations and data transfer speed constraints, images take a long time to load — especially if there’s no Wi-Fi connection. This could be frustrating for users waiting to use the app. Thus it’s becoming common practice to modify these images with an animation effect so that they can be used without loading time or data transfer speed restrictions. Digital Venture Startups should embrace the latest UI design trends to create user-centric interfaces that are both engaging and effective.

These animations provide visual cues, which is especially important for users with low bandwidth connections because it alerts them about changes occurring on a page even before they start loading.

2.  Breathtaking micro-interactions

Microinteractions are a very important part of UI design, as they make a great tool for user engagement. They provide more opportunities for users to feel the connection between them and products or services in general. IoT in eCommerce is driving the demand for UI design trends that prioritize seamless integration and user-friendly interactions with connected devices. It’s all about how people interact with screens in daily life that makes micro-interactions so unique since their goal is not actually pulling data from users but rather making them happier while using products or services.

Microinteractions act as meaningful transition points when transitioning between any two states of elements. The best thing about micro-interactions is that they can be much more than just transient moments; they can transform into interactive relatable characters.

It is no longer enough to have your website or application simply work. You need to WOW your users with the best UI you can, and micro-interactions do just that by delighting them at every step possible.

3. Dark theme

While most of the applications, websites, desktop interfaces are still using light color themes because they are easier on the eyes throughout long sessions of usage; dark color themes are now trending for several reasons:

a) They give the user more control over their visual experience (brightness variations)

b) Some say black backgrounds can make the text easier to read

c) Most designers prefer dark-themed designs these days because it looks more sleek and modern than their lighter counterparts.

4. Rapid cross-Platform design

While we used to see a lot of websites and desktop applications that look completely different (and maybe not as good) on all devices and platforms; the rise of cross-platform design tools like Atomic, Photoshop Mix, Webflow, UXPin & SketchApp has made it much easier for designers to create one single design/prototype to rule them all; either using common responsive grids or by creating fluid layouts (that reflow according to the device).  Technologies of machine learning, such as generative design, can be used to create UI designs that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.

This is an important trend because it reduces development time dramatically and makes the overall experience more unified.

5. Brand Transparency

Today, most top companies are incorporating their core values into the way they design their products. They are even more transparent when it comes to branding in order to create a better user experience.

More and more people are choosing to buy or go for service from companies whose brand and identity are transparent and trustworthy. Examples of such companies include Patagonia and Lush. UI design trends bode well towards this future with brands becoming more open about who they are, what makes them special, and why they exist in the first place. This has led to some new trends that were not popular before such as giving out less information about their products at first glance, but gradually revealing it through the user journey instead

6. Augmented and Virtual Reality

With advancements in augmented and virtual reality, their applications should soon become more widely adopted by a wide range of businesses, from e-commerce sites to restaurants that provide a first-hand experience of products or services before they have been purchased or consumed.

Today’s businesses have a whole new set of tools at their disposal in the form of interactive and immersive technologies, with the most innovative ones being artificial reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These technologies will allow them to expand their existing markets by opening up new possibilities for growth through more engaging experiences that can be shared across multiple channels.

In addition, no matter how much large companies may already know about you from your browsing history, this information is always incomplete until it can be connected to your real-world identity—something that AR/VR combined with deep learning algorithms could potentially achieve.


UI design trends are constantly changing due to the continuous development of technology and related user needs worldwide. However, there are some common principles that can help designers create effective interfaces for their projects.

If you want your app or website to grab users’ attention, take into consideration these key aspects of successful interaction design:

1. Understand your target audience

2. Stick with clear-cut navigation

3. Create an interface different from others

4. Pay attention to typography

5. Add a pinch of gamification

The future holds many exciting possibilities for innovative designs inspired by top UI Design Trends for this year. Whether it’s through sleek minimalism or bold color contrasts, keep up with trending styles to stay ahead of the game and keep evolving your designs.

Get your website designed with custom features without spending too much at Pixel Street- a web design company in Kolkata. With our web developers who are experts in this field, you will never go wrong since we provide high-quality standards for every single step of the process from initial consultation to providing a fully customizable site tailored just right!

Author Bio:

Khurshid Alam is the founder of Pixel Street, a web design company in Kolkata. He aspires to solve business problems by communicating effectively digitally. In his leisure, he reads, writes, and occasionally plays a game of table tennis.